Happy Tails featuring Nutrition Coach, Laurie Christine King!
If you are thinking about adopting a pet, happy tails are here to help further your knowledge on the adoption experience! We were able to meet with the Badass Nutrition Guide, Laurie Christine King and learn more about her experience with adopting her furry bestie, Remy.

Laurie Christine King, nutrition coach and fitness extraordinaire, is one of those adoptees with an amazing story involving her dog Remy. Going into the adoption process she knew first hand she didn't have time for a puppy.
"I knew I wanted a full grown dog who was chill," she explained. "I didn't have time to potty train!"
While puppies are adorable, we forget they can be a lot of work. Adopting was the best option for Laurie, because she knew a puppy would be too much to handle while growing her business.
It was Valentine's Day, 2016, her work had slowed down from traveling, and she was ready to come home to a furry friend to love on! At the time, she was living in the DFW area and went to Paw Patrol near Dallas, Texas. She said it was the easiest process.
"Literally, one and done," Laurie said.
She met Remy and it was love at first sight. Paw Patrol conducted a meet and greet with her and then a week later was able to pick her up to take her home!
It's good to keep in mind, when taking in any animal, there is always a transition period. Learning about one another and bonding does take time. Remy had food aggression and was resource guarding. Then there were other things like, she didn't want to be picked up and didn't want her paws touched at all. She had obvious trust issues. This didn't get Laurie down though. She realized that Remy needed an alpha, otherwise she would consider herself as one.
"Remy is the sweetest dog, but she needs someone to be strict with her. She needs that authority figure and structure..."
Creating a solid foundation was important for their relationship. The best thing she could do was create a routine for her. It took nearly a year and a half for her to really see progress, but it's as if she's a different dog.

"Really, personality is always a roll of the dice when getting a dog, even when going through a breeder. A lot of it has to do with training."
It's easy to assume that going through a breeder will yield a certain personality, but the personality of a pup may not be clear until a couple years later when the dog has grown into an adult. Adopting gives you a clear understanding of the dog you are getting.
"Remy is such an easy, loving dog. She loves other animals and kids!"
Exercise is important, but that's Laurie's speciality. They go for a 30 to 40 minute walk every morning and sometimes at night too. Although Remy is extremely sweet, she doesn't like to be outside of her element for too long. For instance, Laurie had tried Rover before which was an instant no, no, because she needed a trained dog walker. She then went to V.C.A for doggy daycare, but found after 3 or 4 consecutive days there, Remy only wanted to be in the comfort of her own home. Using Pets Domain ATX has given her the luxury of being in her own space, seeing the same walker everyday (building that trust and relationship), sticking to her structure & routine, leaving her stress-free.
Although Remy is a homebody she is extremely social and loves to go places! She is even the perfect companion for paddle boarding and kayaking.

"My biggest advice is understanding your capabilities and the type of dog you're getting. For example, don't get a working dog or high energy dog if you don't plan to exercise them..."
This is perfect advice for anyone weighing their options for a new companion in their home. Always knows your goals when adopting or buying a pet, that way you have realistic expectations about your new friend.
It's been a rewarding transformation for Laurie. After two years, Remy doesn't mind being picked up, Laurie can clip her nails, and continuing to see her become a more confident dog makes their relationship that much stronger.
"To watch her become a totally different dog from two years ago, and everyday getting better, just make this process that much more rewarding..."
Remy had the happiest of tails when we met too! It was great to see her dog smile and the adoptee that is now her person. Comment below with your favorite adoption story, why you adopted or went with a breeder, and/or any advice for those looking for a furry friend!!!